At the cutting edge for 50 years:
a trailblazing history.

Since 1967

Recodi is established, with the intention of “doing a job based on innovation and quality”. From the outset, we focus on the design of floors, with a view to offering our clients the solution that best meets the actual requirements of their sector and their industrial processes.
We build our first plant for the production of premixed hardeners based on hard mineral aggregates (quartz-corundum-basalt) and cast-iron shavings.
We make our first resin floor. We are the first in Italy to do so, pro-actively responding to an emerging sector.
We make our first jointless floor. Jointless floors arise out of a desire to meet the needs of the logistics industry, where the absence of joints on the floor is crucial for increasing productivity and safety in the handling of goods, and for reducing the future maintenance costs. The same technology will later be offered to all industrial sectors.
We make our first unreinforced floor. Unreinforced floors are initially created for airport runways, before being applied to other sectors. In the same year,  Recodi introduces Laser Screed technology, a system that – through the use of computer-controlled machinery – makes it possible to prop up and vibrocompact industrial floors to a very high degree of precision. This innovative technology ensures high-quality results, boosting the resistance and durability of the floors.
Recodi enters into a partnership with a leading global name in the manufacture of solutions for polymer coatings.
We make our first underfloor heating system. With the advent of underfloor heating technology, Recodi develops cutting-edge solutions for industrial environments that enable the installation of underfloor heating even on large surfaces subject to heavy loads.
We product our first impermeable floor. Impermeable flooring is suitable for car parking on prefabricated slabs because it eliminates the requirement for structural screed and waterproofing, thus reducing costs.
Opening of the Palosco facility in the province of Bergamo, which arose out of the requirement for space in which to expand, and for larger warehouses and more office space.
Construction of the new plant for the production of pre-mixed mortars in Palosco.
Fully automated, it enables the storage of a large number of raw materials and has a production capacity of 14,000 tonnes per year. First SOA certification, which enables out company to bid for public works contracts.
Achievement of ISO 9001 quality system certification.
Construction of a photovoltaic plant across the entire roof of the Palosco facility in the province of Bergamo. A major step forward towards energy self-sufficiency, underlining our environmental commitment 
Consolidation of the partnership with BASF. We received Trusted Applier certification for the Ucrete systems of polyurethane cement resin products and Mastertop polyurethane comfort resin products.
50th year of activity.
Achievement of the historical peak of turnover of 13.9 million euros, + 120.7% compared to 2014.
Reorganization of the corporate organizational structure and start-up of a managerial approach to face future years in a more conscious and finalized way.